
Comics for November 8, 2002 - 11/08/2002 - Wow.  725 strips.  Campus Safari has ended in this incarnation.  It began a LONG time ago as one of my first comics and I want to redo it with better art and updated writing. I had to stop doing it primarily to avoid 'fixing' events in Akaelae and closing off avenues of story that I may want to change and well.. I don't really intend to CHANGE the majority of Campus Safari.  I intend to ADD to it!

2 thoughts on “11/08/2002

  1. Ya know, this is only the second place I have heard Dust being used as a name, the other one being the Flash video series “Bunnykill”. And after that comment in the last comment about Chatin’s fur color, I realized that Cisco’s should be brown, but HE’S black now too! What is UP with all the recolors?

    1. I know i’m two years late: for you and any one reading this line in the future. This is the very first story written in the cyntian chronicles there for inconsistent with the others as they started afterwards and was a lot more “planned” than this one. So your comments about changed appearance is actually up side down. 🙂 Btw Tiff. I’m really impressed with your work, one of the best webcomics i’ve found to date. And best of all it is still rooling. Keep up the amazing work take your time and i hope you enjoy making it just as much as your readers enjoy reading it. ^.^

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