Campus Safari 13 – 11 #Spiderforest

I forgot I uploaded last week's update manually! Hurray! Another month has begun and a fresh new start awaits, please let this be the month I get where I need to be! Thank you so much for the support via Patreon and if you want to support in other ways, I am in need of a replacement stylus for my digital tablet. :( They're only $16, but things will be tight for us for awhile, because it sadly takes money to save money. Amazon Store - Need the XP-PEN PN02. After Bear managed to get the first one off a shelf a month ago, I've been guarding the second one... until it rolled off a table in the dark and I didn't realize it had until it was too late.  It's still functional, with a bit of wrapping around the middle of it, because he managed to chew off the buttons and it's not easy to use in general.

9 thoughts on “Campus Safari 13 – 11 #Spiderforest

  1. Well, I don’t know if he won any friends, but he certainly influenced people!

    1. LOL! to Hartree. 🙂

      Love both expressions in panel two!

  2. Heh.. I was going to mention rabies on the previous page, but I held back. 🙂

  3. She shouldn’t be so surprised, shoving your finger in someone’s face animal or person and they’re likely to bite it due to the instinctive dislike of having that done to you.

  4. Aww, seems Twinky is in trouble. Either way he goes now, he’s got an uphill battle to gain their trust. Heh, despite his circumstances, he’s cute in the last few pages.

    1. Forgot to add that Silver comes off as way too cocky and bold at times. So I found the bite fitting in the grand scheme of things. Though this is probably not a great idea on Twinky’s part.

      Don’t get me wrong, I like Silver. But she needs a shock every now and then to remind herself to be a bit better at self preservation.

      1. I guess getting shot wasn’t enough?

        1. I think she’s been shot at more than once in the past.

  5. I forget if Silver’s healing factor works the same as the wolven elites (probably not, though), but a thought just occurred to me that, since the healing is accelerated by movement, running around and screaming like that actually would help, lol

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