Campus Safari Chapter 18 09

11 thoughts on “Campus Safari Chapter 18 09

  1. Okay. Very democratic. Hope, there will be no regrets.
    They are students, for Pete’s sake, not children, why would they be afraid of ghosts? Seriously?

    1. It’s not the ghosts that get you, it’s all the creaking and groaning that rattles your nerves.

      1. My mom is 87 yars old. She “creaks and groans” al the time! 😉

        1. Reminds me of me as late teenager. Came home at 3 am. was sneaking in from the back of the house, didnt open the light. Went upstairs into the bath. When i came out, still dark, just starlight from the window, there was a white shadow creeping up the stairs with moaning and groaning. All white. I nearly pushed my grandma (80) down the stairs. She had her white long hair hanging down what was always in a dutt during the day. I nearly had a stroke.

        2. LOL, Michael!

          (GLAD you didn’t hurt Granma though!)

  2. I ain’t afraid of no ghost.

    …Seriously. Just don’t cross the streams and you’re ok.

  3. I get the feeling these youngsters would prefer to deal with something they ‘know’ and some idea of how to deal with. Rather then something totally unknown, and have no idea how to deal with.

    1. I thought that made sense for a minute, but two of these 4 kids are ex-soldiers (from the Centralis-Terraplex war, IIRC,) and the other two are survivors who’ve been hunted their whole lives. I think I’ve got a reason now: Neither of those backgrounds lends itself to a lack of superstition—”There are no atheists in the trenches”—so none of them would want the haunted house. The only one who does is the one who’s been through something worse than war. As for le Grande Manse du Cobweb here, bivouacs in the woods would probably be a lot cleaner, especially for furry people! 😀

  4. It would make sense that they’d rather hangout in a lived in home. For one, there isn’t a bunch of creaks and groans to set off their nerves. For another a livid in home has access to utilities such as running water and electricity.

    1. And the most important access, especially to today youth, the internet!!!

  5. Dont change the story because of us. It is very funny so far. Sometimes scary, too. It works, even though some have war experience they are all very young. It gives them personality beyond logic and all that. Sometimes we know its bullshit but it stills creeps us out.

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