Darrik Charms Completed!

Here are the Darrik charms!  Charm 1 is a standard double sided charm. Charm 2 will be considered a DELUXE charm once the Kickstarter ends.  Via the Kickstarter, it'll be the same, outside of it, it'll cost a little more than the others and here's why!  It has different images on the front and back and I'm going to TRY to print that glowing ball on top of the acrylic instead of beneath it.  It will also have another layer of ink applied to keep one side from showing up on the other, so yes, fancy and the first time I'm doing this! There are just over two days left in the Kickstarter.  I'll number the charms tomorrow.  I just realized I don't have a way for people to tell me which one they want. :D  - Tiff


2 thoughts on “Darrik Charms Completed!

  1. I love it!

  2. The “I hate when that happens…” expression. 🙂

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