
Three days left in the month and $62 left to cap out the month! Updates should occur mostly on time next week, inking comics right now! - Tiff

22 thoughts on “03/29/2012

  1. Looks like everyone wants a piece of Quinn

  2. Conga Line!

    1. Foursome!

      1. The most awkward game of tug of war ever!

  3. Hmmmm…Quinn got caught by the other Coon.

    Can’t say I’m surprised by that. Though I wonder if that’s something that everyone might regret later. I don’t think we’ve ever seen her take something really serious before.

    What could her powers do to them all then?

    1. Quinn’s never been backed into a corner as far as I know. Heck, it’s almost impossible to corner her!

      But, friends can be backed into a corner, and Quinn can’t help Vin escape so easily right now.

      … Am I the only person expecting Camden or Rama to get badly hurt by Quinn very soon?

      1. It doesn’t look so much that she was backed into a corner, as much as she was caught by surprise. She’s still got Vin, but Camden has her.. so I’m not sure who is going to be the one to pull through the portals, or if something else is going to happen, all I know, is that Rama ran into a hornets nest that he didn’t even realize was there.. and he may not be equipped to deal with it.

      2. I am expecting to find out which sirac is the strongest “at this moment in time” very quickly. Though it would be interesting to have Camden remain around as a continuing foil for Quinn in the future. Might give her some maturity.

        1. Just out of curiosity, did you read Campus Safari? She might change some of it, but I don’t think she’ll change Quinn’s personality. And really, who would want to? She’s a lot more likable than if she took everything seriously. Still, not a good place to be in: between two villains and holding onto a friend who is both angry and terrified. Eesh!

  4. I am wondering if she feels really threatened whether she might be able to burst-pull all 4 of them away. It might cause her to black out, but depending on who was waiting on the other end could result in very interesting situation.

  5. Go for the jugular! The jugular!

    1. Ah Timon…why d’ya have to be that way!!!??!?

      But seriously, this outta be….entertaining.

      K Fox

  6. lol Kunkerz

    Now how will this play out?

  7. Eep? Um, “Go for the eyes Quinn, go for the eyes!” Hmm… No, just doesn’t sound right for Quinn.

    Dues Ex Syrys?

    1. Boo no like Rama…

      K Fox


    2. Given that Quinn is a Sirac and has access to a number of unknown abilities, I’d say “Go for the soul!” is more apt!

  8. Aaaand things go from bad to worse.

  9. I apologize for underestimating you, Tiff. 🙂

  10. Claws -now,- Vincent! Hands for the eyes; feet for the gut!!

    1. I was thinking exact the same, a good strike in the face and Rama can´t see shit anymore :3

  11. Oh. So when she said bad wolf, she was referring to Rama. I thought she was calling Vincent an idiot for pulling such a dangerous stunt. XD I gotta admit though, this will likely not turn out well. Watch as yet another intervention happens, or Quinn fights the older raccoon guy.

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