08/04/2008 (32 Comments)

4. Vincent eating, eyes up: And my hairโ€ฆ 5. Vincent side of ehad, smiling, see others seated beside him. I am happier than I've ever been in my entire life and it makes me so sad.

34 thoughts on “08/04/2008 (32 Comments)

  1. First comment! Sweet! Keep up the good work Tiff.

  2. Heh, the contradictory emotions present themselves.. I hope he can keep himself together and not make a scene.

  3. Darrik and Vince look so cute sitting side by side, so happy and sort of not believing their luck. ^_^

  4. Conflicted much, Vincent?

    Although, I’m gonna guess that he’s sad because his mother can’t be there with him.

  5. I’m Back!!!! Ive been so buisy i havn’t had time to comment in a looong time.
    Vin is confused by conflicting feelings he is sad because his mother is dead. So he feels slightly bad that he is happy.

    Cute pic: Everyone looks satisfied:)

  6. Ah, the ol’ melancholy expression…

  7. Mmm, that grub looks good!

  8. Ack, wrong email addy… ๐Ÿ˜› *VOTES*!

  9. We got an emo! hehehe

  10. If that isn’t the most emo saying, I don’t know what is. ๐Ÿ˜› But still, it’s interesting to know how Vin is handling everything. I’m very interested to see how he turns out in the future (since he was never mentioned in Campus Safari at all).

  11. Sad because one part of his life is over while happy his new life starts anew.

  12. Ambivilance – Experiencing two conflicting, inconsolable emotions at the same time.
    mmmm. Turkey.

  13. Looks more like Chicken to me.

    Their eating Chicken (poultry) and Darius isn’t to be seem.

  14. It’s possible that Vin is the replacement for Darius that was mentioned in Campus Safari. But that’s not the only possibility. And, unfortunately, the answer is a decent way off.

    I wonder if Cilke is going to tease Darius about the chicken dinner that they’re having right now. It would be fun to see Darius to a sniffle, tear up and give puppy dog eyes for being left out of a chicken dinner.

  15. Question. How do we know she is really dead?

    This is a scifi comic after all. Just saying you never know.

  16. Because when I kill someone, I do a good enough job at it that they STAY dead. ๐Ÿ˜€

  17. This isn’t some stupid T.V. show where at the season final or next season there’s some contrived plot device to bring them back.

  18. wow my little reply got you to show up!

    I feel honored. HEHEHE

  19. Thankfully, when someone dies in a Shivae Studios comic, they typically STAY dead. (As Tiffany just stated.) This is unlike a certain girl/”force” duo that have died and come back so many times that the greatest surprise would be that they don’t resurrect like clockwork.

    This conversation might rate a quote on Noiya’s page on the Wiki. “The Author has confirmed that Noiya is officially dead. Period.”

    Another good sign for Tiffany’s works is that there’s no time travel. There are certain scifi series that I won’t watch anymore due to prior abuses of “Time travel saves the day!” foolishness.

  20. *Makes note not to make use of the time travel storyline she has involving Darius in a wheel chair*

    If I ever DO have a time travel arc, it will not be a Time travel saves the day type thing.

  21. Oh and to make sure I never DO the story, here’s the synopsis. Darius, a couple hundred years into the future had his back broken, I forget the how’s and why’s, it was an old story, (Types up the ENTIRE thing.. then deletes it.. because it’s just too nifty cool to say she’s not ever going to. ๐Ÿ˜€ Maybe I’ll do it as a side story and let it be included as canon by vote. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  22. OH GOOD GRIEF!! THIS IS JUST TOO DANG AWESOME!!! *Adds more details*

  23. I AM so bad. ๐Ÿ˜€ (That my comment form told me I was posting comments too frequently and to slow down. ) ๐Ÿ˜€

  24. Tiffany, I’m getting a sense that you have the same malicious/”up to something” grin on your face that i felt you had when you spoke of including Nevix in the Misadventures of Nekette and Thellie.

    If you’re not just teasing and you do do that Darius time traveling in a wheelchair story, I might vote yes. But only if it meets my exacting standards of a good time travel story. Which means you only need to surpass Star Trek’s worse time travel episodes and the book “Schroedinger’s Cat”.


    PS: For reference, Star Trek The Next Generation had good time travel episodes and plot lines. Star Trek Voyager had abysmal time travel episodes and story lines. Especially in Voyager’s finale. Schroedinger’s Cat started to fall apart when they started to discuss the Multiverse and how to use time travel to fix all of the different universes’ problems.

    PPS: I feel as if I just created said suspected malicious smile and caused events to be set in motion that will see their start come to fruition some distant time in the future. Either that or I’m having my head messed with by Tiffany. Which isn’t a bad thing, as it has made me smile and laugh.

  25. Actually, Schroedinger’s cat fell apart and remained unchanged simultaneously. You, too can experience this by the time you reach sixty…

  26. is scared?

  27. But there’s also the Dr. Who reason for why Time travel can’t always save the day. If an event majorly shapes lives, then it can’t be changed. because then it might affect your companion who help, plus youv been to the future so it might not exist. Paradox stuff.
    Also, one of the best time travel adventures in my opinion is from Red Dwarf’s “Tikka to Ride” where they mess up history accidentally but have to fix it in a way that is reasonably close to the original occurrence.

  28. Star Trek, by far, has the most abused timeline ever. Tiff is doing a very good job of avoiding the kind of mistake known as Star Trek: Enterprise. And I liked Star Trek: Enterprise. Notice that Tiff has “Ended” Campus Safari for now, so as not to create said timeline plotholes and problems. If you ever do Time Travel stories, you have to make sure EVERY detail is thought out, and that the change in timeline does not conflict with the already established canon. Also, you have to avoid using the “Plot Reset Button” that Tiem Travel so graciously provides.

  29. The attention to detail is more complexed when you do “Prequel” series, because if you don’t get every detail right, you will have conflicting canons. And just like Trek, if a tree is in the wrong spot on a prequel, you get letters.

  30. You know when I made my first reply I was just thinking along the lines of re-animation or clone something along that lines.

    Never thought of time travel but o well.

  31. Yeah, that episode of Red Dwarf did handle time travel pretty well.

    Another thing to check for in Time Travel stories are incidences of Plot Induced Stupidity and “Hey, why didn’t he just?” moments.

    When I made my time travel comment, I wasn’t expecting a reply from Tiffany.

  32. Rofl, that really is an emo comment.

  33. Um…Vin…isn’t that a little backwards? And you didn’t seem so sad about it before, so what made you say that in the first place?

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