03/02/2010 (4 Comments) (4 Comments)

4 thoughts on “03/02/2010 (4 Comments) (4 Comments)

  1. If Syrys’ assumptions here are true, it would shed a lot of light on Mekussa’s actions.

  2. From what I can tell, this is a case of a “plausibly deniable action” on the part of Mekussa. An incident that is, technically, out of her control, explainable by essentially accident, which both gets her off the hook yet furthers the plans to get the cubs to safety.
    Just having Syrys wake up can possibly be explained (and even log-matched) that the cubs were “playing” with the controls and managed to set him free. That he left with them would thus be out of her control / unavoidable, yet SEEM accidental. Records would thus show that Mekussa wasn’t at SERIOUS fault, and thusly not directly responsible. This would preserve her position (and depending upon how vicious the Genoworks group is possibly her life), while at the same time furthering her aims of keeping the cubs safe and out of the manipulative hands of the military (and by equal measure the Corporation.).

    Scheming vixens are scheming, yes indeed. In a good way! ^_^

  3. The most dangerously vicious war criminal in the history of the Fox Nation. A war criminal who has often gone out of his way to NOT endanger cubs.
    Mekussa knows that the cubs will be safe. She also seems to think that this wolf will turn around an return the cubs.
    Seems the Vixen has miscalculated.

  4. Intriguing. Also, your banner still says you’re on hiatus.

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