
*Edit*  I have until Saturday to pay for my tables and since we're out of food.. taking what we have and taking care of that first since family would like food for lunch today. I forgot to upload them last night.  Ooops.  The navigation dropdown doesn't work right now.  It has a little bug that's fixed in the next comicpress update. :D Oh and here are the next and last two watercolors for the week.  Each one is going for a minimum of $25, plus shipping.  First come, first serve.  It's going toward paying off my Furry Fiesta table and the rest to gas/groceries.  I just need $75 now for the table and the same for the gas and groceries. I'd have to say that I love the Syrys one the best in person, because of the lovely grey-blue shadows on his body ... half of which are missing in the scan. :(  Scanning these things is kinda telling me that I may need to buy a new scanner (and actually not just buy the cheapest one), because I'd love to have good copies of these for including in an art book.

9 thoughts on “07/26/2010

  1. Not what I expected, but it still puts a smile on my face. I’m pretty sure that by the time Darius’ new pet grows up, they’ll both be equal in size.

    Poor little guy. You can tell that he didn’t expect to be hauled off the ground like that.

  2. D’awww how cute ;P

  3. Snrrk… they both look happy. Looks like it wasn’t a countdown to disappointment after all!

  4. Now that’s just adorable 🙂

  5. Looks like someone made (got?) a new friend 😛

    Too cute.

  6. love the derp face on the pet

  7. A ha ha ha! Winged shivae! =P

    And wow! Everything is nicely formatted! Way to go! XDDD

  8. Cutest… Thing… EVER! I want one to D:

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