08/26/2009 (22 Comments)

22 thoughts on “08/26/2009 (22 Comments)

  1. Yay update!

    Okay. That’s the second panel where Safiri’s mom looks like… er… she was desperately trying to smile to cover the fact that someone’s standing on her tail? Or just trying to hide her anger at the situation?

  2. Beautiful update, well done! I have a question though. It is probably very stupid to ask this, but why does the little girl cub have humanesque feet instead of the other sort?

  3. (Too bad you can’t see this yet…)

    Well, some species of Immigrants are plantigrate, some are digitigrade. That’s actually one of the most important distinctions when it comes to cross-species relations.

    http://shivae.org/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Immigrants provides a description and a list of species for each category.

  4. That would be plantigrade, and that’s because that’s what mounties have.
    Foxes (of the various types), wolves, koyoti, cheetah, hyena, raptors, and the supposedly extinct Jakyal are all digitigrade, walking on the ball of the foot only, whereas mounties, mice, rabbits, rams, equines, taboa, jerboa, and deer are plantigrade, walking using the heel as well.

    On another note, I find the mother’s expression rather amusing, It’s kind of an “Oh, crud we mustn’t let them see us sweat” expression. And Nice job on the rosettes on the daughter’s fur. 😉

  5. Lol mom, lay off the prozac, or the nip or whatever… =p

  6. Hey, right, ‘nip… It would be interesting if she’d be revealed as a “user”.
    It’s a rather low probablilty, but who knows?

    (Tiff knows!)

  7. xenomorph sense is tingling! Trouble ahead!

  8. Darrik, you are i n trouble again. Call your agent.

  9. I don’t think Darrik has an agent. He’s probably got Quinn watching him in secret. And if it’s a secret, I’ll bet Quinn Knows.

  10. Look like the cub already know how poorly they parent are…

  11. That was a short visit indeed. Reminds me of one of those “see Europe in six days” tours.

    And now I realize that Darrik has lost his bag of loot from the festival.

  12. These two seem to have the same kind of secret passage that the princesses do. Mom’s look is priceless, and daughter’s conspiriatorial look is excelent.

  13. I sense mischief afoot!

    And somehow Quinn probably knows…

    1st panel: Oh… oh no… not the puppy dogs eyes!! Anything but that!!!

  14. Love the fur pattern.

  15. I’m beginning to see how the cub festival is having a negative impact on these people’s lives.

  16. Seems to me cyantian parents are terrible at lying haha

  17. Is it just me, or does the mom look more along the lines of ‘terrified’ than embarrassed?

  18. Marshmallows! top right

  19. nah, I think it’s a “I hope they don’t notice we haven’t sold anything and therefore can’t afford stuff this week” look.

  20. It is kind of hard to lie when you have ears and a tail and scent that can give you away, in addition to all the other body language keys. 😛

  21. no wonder they don’t play Poker haha

  22. Cyantians playing poker. That would require a, at the very least, poker face, poker ears, poker whiskers and a poker tail.

    If you’re playing poker against Quinn, you’ll need a poker mind too!

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