
5 thoughts on “11/17/2010

  1. Returning a ribbon and keeping a trouble making miniwhip on her shoulder?

    Confusing a skunk and making her first appearance in years?

    All of the above?

  2. Yup, it’s Amber. ^_^

    Seems she’s still got her accent, although it doesn’t seem to be quite as strong. I think she may also be less timid. Didn’t she have a horn that was cut off? Because it looks like her hair/mane has grown long enough to cover it now. Actually, I’m starting to wonder if a combination of those traits is why she seems to be allowed in that area. …Or did she sneak out? 🙂 Or maybe the miniwhip led her there on purpose?

    It seems kind of ironic that a Genoworks project would be asking why Amber would be there. I mean, I know she’s probably thinking about how uncommon/restricted Genowords project are. I guess she didn’t consider the possibility that Siris and Alpha may have looked for/picked up others.

  3. Looks like Snitch is comfy. Wonder where Rose is… 🙂

  4. Another kayjhan. Dat be grate.

  5. Well, Amber certainly seems friendly enough. And I like Cilke’s face in the last panel. 🙂

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