11/23/2009 (6 Comments)

I apologize for forgetting to upload something on Friday!  I just completely forgot to do something and by the time I remembered... it was too late. :/ This week is only going to see updaets on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then return to normal the following week.  Dragging a little.

7 thoughts on “11/23/2009 (6 Comments)

  1. It looks like that pillar was over the glowy water area… I may be wrong though.

  2. No, you’re right. The pillar is over the glowing area.

  3. The water glows simply due to the radiation leak from the ancient power core embedded in the bottom of the pool. Someone knew this would happen 5000 years ago, but they were derided for their concerns.

    Or, it is…a space ship. Yes, an ancient space ship that crashed into the pool eons ago and has been forgotten.

    I have no clue why it glows.

  4. As if “crack!” isn’t a good sound to start with… that loud “Boom!” isn’t exactly the sound you wanna here while dangling over so strange glowing water.

  5. Boom + falling into glowing water = Trouble!

  6. Relax, it’s just a harmless pool of Protozoa Nim (Nim’s Island)! XD Or it’s just lit underneath. And is it just me, or did the entire pillar collapse EXCEPT FOR the piece underneath them? Is this like one of those Bugs Bunny things where a person saws a hole underneath someone and the whole floor falls except for the piece that should have fallen instead?

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