
Darius #1 will be going into the mail today - most of them. Don't forget the donation incentive for this month! Details here! They buy our groceries, which we severely need. OH! And the wishlist for those who ask. :) Wish List - which includes things that cost nothing. And because I have no free time, I'm likely to do a tiny site overhaul tonight. :D - Tiff

11 thoughts on “12/07/2011

  1. Oddly enough Vin is the one in control here. . .sorta.

  2. Love Vin’s expression!

  3. And Filiare looks non-plussed about the whole situation. Let’s hope that’s a sign that she doesn’t suspect a thing.

    Working in a back rub and being served tea, looks like Rama is having leftovers…So why do I feel that left overs still means he’s having rabbit tonight?

    1. I don’t know, it looks like she’s unsurprised that Vin warmed up to the girls so quickly. I think this is a tactic that Rama used on his other sons. It’s likely that his other sons were easier to sway with such a base tactic.

      Rama eating anything looks ominous. He could probably make eating jelly beans look sinister!

      1. That too is a possibility.

        We know that at least one of the Akaelae which we see has a relationship with Cere from the “sink or swim” comic was one such person tricked by Rama’s side.

        Making eating jelly beans look sinister would add to the creepy and sinister rating for Rama. I doubt any villain up to date could actually achieve that in any science fiction

      2. “Have a Jelly Baby?”

        “SHUT UP!”

        “…Simple yes or no would have sufficed….”

  4. Vin’s expression tells me his current thoughts:

    “I need an adult!”

  5. Filiare: Wut.

  6. Amazing how Rama can take a teen male’s dream come true evening, two beautiful young women giving you a massage and bringing you tea, and turn it into something truly terrifying for all.

  7. Ya got’em where ya want’m, now put da spurs to’em!

  8. I KNEW IT!!! XD (see comment on previous comic)

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