12/15/2008 (13 Comments)

13 thoughts on “12/15/2008 (13 Comments)

  1. Aren’t they heavy for the horses?? And if they gonna try n catch this thing shouldn’t they have at least some nets prepared??? Or maybe…..
    Yay I’m first!!!

  2. neat.

  3. really neat. If not to say nice.

  4. They might be too big for an average sized earth horse, which would be about 1000 to 1200 pounds. However, they’ve undoubted bred draft horses for the larger mounties and wolves. Draft horses normally average about 2000 pounds.

    Of course, given the range of sizes for mounties, I’m betting they have everything from little ponies to massive 2500lb draft horses. And gryphons, Acid Whips and Shivae as well.

    Plus, living on Cyantium might make horses more able to carry weight than normal earth horses because of the Cyantian antigravity metal.

  5. Forget nets, if this thing is real it’ll incenerate nets
    (unless they are fire retardent)

    I hope they aren’t just on a wild goose hunt.

  6. In the case of the wolves, I don’t really expect them to be too heavy for a horse unless Cyantian wolves are crazy heavy in relation to the heaviest terran wolf.

    In real wolves, even the biggest tundra wolf maxes out at about 7 feet long and 100-200 pounds (with that 200 being very rare). I suppose having a more human-like anatomy would make them about 20-30 pounds heavier but that’s still not “too heavy” for most horses.

    Course Tiffs wolves might be heavier than what I imagined up for my Lupines.

  7. Yup, wolves average 7 and a half feet for the males, seven for females. That’s not too tall to ride a Cyantian horse which come in as many different sizes as Earth horses. These horses also have to carry mounties which are up to 8 feet in height. I THINK I picked out a type of draft horse, I don’t remember the exact name for them, but they have distinct black legs that turn white the closer to the hoof you go.

  8. I wonder if they’ll find the cubs… =)

  9. Now that would make for an entertaining plot twist.

  10. I think they are looking for the cub, and in Spain we say “se les va a caer el pelo”. I don’t know the english expresion, but is very funny thinking in “furry” cubs 😀

  11. off-topic, but the cyantian forums seem to be down. I get there by clicking the link under the communities tab and am greeted with an error message about the database.

  12. I’m more surprised the horses are willing to carry carnivores in the first place…

    I finally got time to just sit down and read through everything I’ve been missing. 😀

  13. Yah, me too. Tried to E-Mail the mods to inform them of the prob and the mail wouldn’t go through. Some kinda Yahoo data error.

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