Campus Safari Chapter 18 10

7 thoughts on “Campus Safari Chapter 18 10

  1. When its all becoming too much.
    What about the home of the cougar boy? I have forgotten – was there anything about his family?

    1. Wherever Sage is staying probably isn’t safe with Velvet(?) around. And the authorities probably know about his family. IMHO

      1. That is a good argument. What about some friends who dont know about his shapeshifter thing? Maybe there are some who could pull the head out of their asses and make friends to some interesting people? Maybe too much too ask for…
        Haunted house it is, yay!?

        1. Haunted House will make the more…fun(?) story. “Yay!?” is right. 😉

          I’d assume Sage would have some decent friends. He’d be awful hungry otherwise, and probably in a lot worse shape than he is. Too much modern tech. to stay fully hidden near a modern university town. He could very well have contacts he can trust with at least part of this new knowledge.

  2. Hey, Cilke! Give Sage a smack on the butt so he’ll stand up straight!

    He looks silly like that. 😉

    1. Right!!

    2. LOL! He’s a little overwhelmed. 😀

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