Campus Safari Chapter 11 13

9 thoughts on “Campus Safari Chapter 11 13

  1. :V Lookout!!! It is a guy in a costume!!.

    >;) Happy Halloween.

  2. I smell a world of hurt about to happen, and it’s not to Cilke.

  3. Someone, yes, is about to be both hurt and scenting of strawberries for a long long while to come.

    1. Peaches, not strawberries.

      And that’s if they’re lucky. If they’re unlucky, they’ll be hurting more than a little.

  4. As nice as it would be to pounce her and enjoy some snuggly skunkie goodness someone should have made sure to ask first before doing so.

  5. I see an elementary martial arts error; do not place yourself in ballistic flight out of reach of the ground.

    1. *Laugh* Even in the first classes of Karate my daughter took when she was 6, they made a point of saying: DO NOT DO THIS! DO NOT DO FANCY JUMPING IN THE AIR MOVES! You WILL get taken down! 😀

      1. If by nothing else, gravity. 😛

  6. rules of martial arts. do not scream your attack names before performing them, do not stand on a roof in a thunderstorm holding a metal object, avoid random jumping attacks. The crane technique has never, ever worked on anyone.

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