Kim Update

My mean husband texted me and told me the doctor called and it was time for Kim to have open heart surgery.

Actually, the doctor said her MRI results/pictures were the SAME as in 2009 and everything is ok and there is no need for a heart cath, a second heart cath OR open heart surgery. 😛 They’re going to up her meds and see if that helps her increased tiredness I’ve noticed lately.

So what does that mean? That means everything is so darn good! I only have a couple thousand dollars in medical bills to pay over who knows how much this time around. 😀 And yes, that is a good thing when Kim has already racked up 1.5 million dollars in bills. She has a stack of files that likely cannot be carried by hand anymore. I’ve seen a portion of them. 😀

I am so happy. And she will be as well once I tell her. 😀 Now to concentrate on cleaning up those new bills and starting on that house!

– Tiff

4 thoughts on “Kim Update

  1. Don’t know what her problem is exactly, but we had a guy at church growing up with only three chambers. He carried oxygen though and was just fine with it. You might talk to the doctors about something like that instead of more medicine.

    1. She had 3 heart surgeries before she was 3. 😀 Starting with one at 10 days old to fix her three chamber heart to be four. Considering she had four pediatric heart surgeons, all in the top 10 in the US – pretty sure they know what they’re doing. 😉

  2. Yay for healthy Kim!

    Boo for pranking husband!

  3. Glad to hear she’s in the green. Anytime the docs say you don’t need to get something done, is always a good sign.

    Having endured heart surgery this past Feb, and how grueling it was to get over at my age, I can’t imagine wat Kim would have endured at her age.

    Hmm, mebbe a couple nights on the couch should be admitted to “hubby”

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