Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays to all my readers! I hope everyone is having a good and safe holiday. We're stuck in our apartment for the next day and a half due to severe icy conditions and snow outside. :D - Tiff

13 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

  1. She looks really nice, and I bet that food isn’t going to last very long. 😉

  2. !!Merry Christmas Too!!

  3. I hope everyone has had a very joyous Christmas.

  4. Taking a new job as a waitress, too…or maybe it’s a temporary Christmas gig.

  5. Homemade fudge and salad. Guess which will disappear first.

    And yep, Merry Christmas.

    1. The Salad. She’s serving rabbit dignitaries who don’t like fudge.

      Of course, that means the kitchen staff gets to finish off the fudge. 😉

  6. Merry Christmas!

  7. I’d like to see Cilke wrapped in green some more…

  8. Awesome. And she actually looks kinda cute! :3

  9. This is just the easiest way I know to possibly get your attention. Apparently Alien Dice’s website is down, I’ve tried to go there a few times in the last two days and each time I get a page telling me the url doesn’t work.

  10. Tiff, have you found that the Aliendice.com website is down? I’m getting a plain 404… I guess I should try a full refresh.. it might have cached the 404.

    1. I know it’s down Stupid Dotster didn’t send me notice, my DNS lapsed, they CHARGED me $116 out of my bank account that I didn’t have WITHOUT my permission and STILL HAVEN’T FIXED THE PROBLEM. Meanwhile, I’m losing valuable end of year ad space. 🙁

      1. Would a direct IP link still work?

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