Tablet Problems Plus Delays

Well.  I’ve spent most of the last few hours freaking out about my laptop’s constant and growing list of issues.  It finally reached the point of not connecting to the internet with the patch cable plugged into the router.  The wifi has been increasingly unreliable for the last two weeks, so I used a patch cable to make it sync and keep it working.

Internet came back after some rebooting and trying my best to keep it cool, but this completely ruins my plans.  I was going to run an indiegogo to get a Yiynova so I could send the laptop off to be repaired and not have updates interrupted.  Problems yesterday made me add it to the current Indiegogo I have running for  a plush toy.  So I could get it done asap.  Then I figured, if it fails, I’ll do that separate one… but today?  Well, everything went wrong.  I managed to get the connection to work, but it’s unreliable, so quickly logged my request to HP, who responded back quickly that since it’s a continuing problem, they want to bring it in for repairs.

So right now, I’m scrambling to pencil and ink as many pages as I can on it.  There will be delays depending on when the packing materials get to me.  I’m not sure if this is good or bad timing. Kim’s off to camp Moss (Yay, free camp for cardiac kids!) next week.  I can’t work while she’s here and had planned a lot of catchup work. 🙁  Even if I abused a credit card, which I’m not willing to, the Yiynova would likely not arrive until after the laptop is repaired. 😛  So I’m just warning, possibility of no new updates in the next couple of weeks or very limited ones.  I’m just not prepared to do comics by hand or have the things I need.

The only good thing about this is that the laptop won’t be frustrating me once they fix it and get it back to me. 😀

– Tiff

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