Welp, I know what’s wrong with my eyes. I went in to a retina specialist today and got my diagnosis…as well as a needle in my left eye to deliver medicine. I have diabetic retinopathy. If it’d gone on six months longer, I’d go blind. So my treatment path is another visit in four weeks to get three medications in both eyes at $3k. Hopefully that will get me to November when I can hopefully get insurance and pay for laser surgery to correct the problem.

At least now I know what’s causing the problems. :/ Still not back in my house, but when I am, I will be plowing back into work asap. Edit: Trying to figure out why the image is broken. 🙁
  • Tiff


Okay, so I see I made comments on my posts, but not as a POST.

I needed glasses. I was nine years past due for an eye exam and I was finally able to get it done. It was to the point I was having a lot of problems seeing and getting things done. Plus, it was making my eyes tired all the time.

So, I got glasses… and bifocals. 😀 – Tiff

Patreon etc

Just a reminder that I have a Patreon and a Ko-fi! All support goes toward food and bills.

If you’re wanting to gift me anything, I’m heavily into learning to do things better, even though I’ve slowed down.

Domestika – Eyeing the membership for a few months.

21-Draw – Also eying the membership.

Yes, I don’t post as much as I used to. Mostly because I’m working and forget to touch my sites. I have a checklist that helps, but just don’t have anything to say. :/ – Tiff