Welp, I know what’s wrong with my eyes. I went in to a retina specialist today and got my diagnosis…as well as a needle in my left eye to deliver medicine. I have diabetic retinopathy. If it’d gone on six months longer, I’d go blind. So my treatment path is another visit in four weeks to get three medications in both eyes at $3k. Hopefully that will get me to November when I can hopefully get insurance and pay for laser surgery to correct the problem.

At least now I know what’s causing the problems. :/ Still not back in my house, but when I am, I will be plowing back into work asap. Edit: Trying to figure out why the image is broken. 🙁
  • Tiff


Thanks to the helpful Toocheke people, the comments are back where we like them. I did spend hours trying to figure out how to fix it without any luck, since that’s beyond my knowledge. :/ I even went through a detailed ‘how to create a child theme’ page to refresh myself, since it’s been years since I messed with a child theme and they are so daunting.

It’s very hard to go from writing and art to stylesheets, and I do not make that adjustment well at all, but whew… this was all I needed. Finishing up the looks again, but overall, I’m pleased. It will take me awhile to get the archives where you can view them properly and I’m only going to do the currently updating ones.

Bear with me.

I feel like everything runs so much smoother and there are less ‘issues’ where comics wouldn’t navigate correctly. Overall. I’m pleased and I will be working up the Patreon site when I finish the other sites. You’ll be able to access everything I put up on Patreon via a private site soon.

  • Tiff

Site Update Update

Whew… went through 187 pages with 20 comics on each one and put them all into their respective series. Appears to be working perfectly. So there are some comics that were inaccessible that are now where they belong. I put all the extra side comics under Random Ramblings.

Navigation from the main page will take you through every post. I’m going to add a menu that goes to the currently updating comics for easy navigation. You go to their hub pages under the Series tab to ONLY read that comic. If you find a comic out of place, let me know.

Now, I’m going to spend the day making it all pretty!

  • Tiff