Welp, I know what’s wrong with my eyes. I went in to a retina specialist today and got my diagnosis…as well as a needle in my left eye to deliver medicine. I have diabetic retinopathy. If it’d gone on six months longer, I’d go blind. So my treatment path is another visit in four weeks to get three medications in both eyes at $3k. Hopefully that will get me to November when I can hopefully get insurance and pay for laser surgery to correct the problem.

At least now I know what’s causing the problems. :/ Still not back in my house, but when I am, I will be plowing back into work asap. Edit: Trying to figure out why the image is broken. 🙁
  • Tiff

Campus Safari Future

At the moment, Campus Safari IS complete – but there will be more. A LOT more. It will also be in a different archive so that I can preserve this one for those who want to read it. I know there are a lot of errors in the original comics, including SIZES. They were redone for print, but never put online. I’m going to leave them that way even though they do mess up the orientation on some pages. Reducing them will make them completely unreadable. My plans are to open a new archive in the future for Campus Safari, which will go back MUCH further, all the way back to Cyantia and classes on the ship itself. I will likely be rewriting a few ‘minor’ items in the current history to make more sense, replacing a few old comics. Keep in mind that when I did the original comics, I scripted the comic and did it in the same day with the barest of outlines. I’m amazed I don’t have more plot holes as it is!! The rewrite that I intend to do is so that the entire group ends up ON the academy ship as it LEAVES and are not traveling after the fact. That way, you will have the full cast from the start! And… see the horrors of events going into play from the start. 😉 There will still be comedy, but there is an event that must be witnessed to move other events in the future. The majority, actually, pretty much everything else, will be the same and not replaced. I will likely completely skip over this entire area timewise and start where we left off when I get to that point. – Tiff – Tiff